Rigged Outcome

Unfortunately, it is sometimes true that clients have a preferred supplier before they invite companies to bid. By using a rigorous bid/no bid process you can reduce the amount of time wasted on unwinnable bids and concentrate only on ‘good’ ones. If staff think the outcome is rigged or the bid is unwinnable, it is … Read more..

Short and Sweet

Long sentences are difficult to read and readers have to work hard to understand their meaning. To help readability and increase the impact of your messages, break sentences into bite-sized ideas.  Delete anything that is not essential. Bullet points are a very effective way of making key points stand out.

Pitch Perfect

It is normal to be invited to make a presentation (or pitch) during the final stages of tender selection. During your preparation, you need to consider the dynamics within the team as well as the content of the presentation.  Assuming you want the client to view your team as a cohesive unit, they must practice … Read more..