Winning Tenders Is As Easy As ABC

Have you ever noticed that people’s attention spans seem to be getting shorter? I’m frequently asked for a one page summary, a two slide presentation or my three top tips.  No-one wants to wade through pages or hours of material. While it is useful to spend time learning things in a structured way, it is … Read more..

Why you should not write a bid or proposal

Finding ‘biddable opportunities’ is the holy grail for some companies. The business development team spend hours at their desks trying to identify contracts which are due for renewal.  They search databases, read journals, email their contacts and set up customer visits.   Then they go on the road, attend networking events, meet existing customers and make … Read more..

Top Class Writing

It can be frustrating to be asked slightly different versions of similar questions by different clients in different tenders. While the temptation is to use a standard response which covers all aspects of a topic, you should approach each question as if it is the first time it has been written. Ask yourself what has … Read more..

Proposal Training

Writing bids and tenders is a skill which does not come naturally to most people, particularly those who come from technical disciplines. An in-house training course is a cost-effective way of improving the quality of bids and increasing win rates, without engaging additional resources. Once trained, staff are confident and skilled at producing highly relevant … Read more..

Tender Interview

At interview, the client is looking for evidence of a cohesive team which will work together and not a group of individuals who are only interested in their own area of expertise. When preparing for a tender interview, make sure everyone in the presentation team is familiar with all aspects of the tender document. This … Read more..