Version Control

When things are getting a bit fraught in the final stages of a tender submission, it is easy for document control to slip. It is vitally important that you maintain naming conventions and filing standards to avoid mishaps. Set up your systems at the outset and ensure everyone adheres to them to avoid overwriting, incorrect … Read more..

Remote Teams

If your bid team is working remotely it can be very difficult to maintain momentum and motivation. While interruptions are not ideal, it is essential that you all stay in touch and bounce ideas around to achieve consistency in the response. Think about the ways you would communicate in the office and try to replicate … Read more..

Health and Safety Responses

Where you are asked about Health and Safety, you should convey ‘understanding’ and ‘adherence’. The best response will usually be one which provides specific details and doesn’t just refer to a company procedure. Try to keep your response practical (rather than theoretical) by linking it to the actual work whenever possible.