Winning Content

Your bid and tender documents should be designed to win and not just to be compliant otherwise the client’s selection will be made on price. To structure a winning bid, you need to agree a win theme at the outset and then ensure all contributors weave it into their parts of the response. A win … Read more..

Standard Templates

It can be very tempting to produce standard proposal templates and give staff rigid guidance about what to insert in each section. While this can help with consistency, it does tend to lead to very generic proposals. It is better for staff to understand what needs to be written so they can produce tailored material, … Read more..

Presentation Interview

Increasingly, clients are evaluating potential suppliers during a presentation interview, rather than just by their written submission. To prepare for interview you should think about the areas which are likely to concern the client and decide how to address them. This will ensure you are ready to answer any difficult questions and can have relevant … Read more..