
When pitching for work, there are different names for the documents you produce: these include tender, proposal and bid. A tender usually responds to specific questions as part of a rigid procurement process, while a proposal or bid tends to be more flexible in structure and format. There is no finite definition for each term … Read more..


The later stages of some projects cannot be defined either in terms of technical scope, resource or price until the earlier stages are complete. When tendering for this type of project, it is important that you reduce the uncertainty to the buyer as much as possible. While it is important that you retain flexibility for … Read more..


There is a proverb about giving a man a fish and feeding him for a day or teaching him to fish and feeding him for life. Engaging a consultant to help write a single tender is a short-term fix which may be effective.  It is usually quite expensive. Effective training, which is tailored to the … Read more..