Language and Tone

The words you use when writing a bid will result in a certain impression being created when it is read. Factually identical statements can be expressed in different ways so select the one which meets your objective. For example, will your telephone helpline “remain open until 8pm every night” or will it “close at 8pm … Read more..

Generic or Specific

Providing a generic response to a tender question is quick and easy to produce however it will not score highly. Customers want assurances that what you ‘normally’ provide will be appropriate for them. Even though you may be using library material, it must be tailored to show you have considered the client and the project.

Displacing the Incumbant

When you are bidding against a company which currently holds a contract, it is easy to get disheartened as you think they have an advantage. Remember that the incumbent’s weaknesses and pricing strategy are known by the client whereas yours are not. Use this information to your advantage by showcasing areas which will be attractive … Read more..