Kick Off Meeting

Every bid, proposal or tender should start with a kick-off meeting.  This may be attended by a large team who are multi-departmental, it may include suppliers or just comprise a couple of people. Discuss and agree items such as the win theme, key features of the proposal, timescales and review procedures. By ensuring everyone has … Read more..

Layout and Highlights

Call-out boxes (shaded areas) are very effective for highlighting quotes or key messages however they are often misused to emphasis an initial paragraph or section of main-body text. The nature of call-out boxes means that contents are separated from surrounding text so readers frequently skip them when they are actually reading the response. Use them … Read more..

Case Studies

Giving examples of completed projects is a great way to demonstrate your ability to deal with complex and challenging situations.  This is often done using case studies. To make them really persuasive, make sure you include problems you encountered and ways you overcame them. Clients will be more impressed with a company that excelled in … Read more..