
It is very difficult to decide how to price a job. Everyone wants to make the best margin possible, yet still be competitive. The best way to establish the going rate for your sector is by using market intelligence and then adjusting it if there are any special circumstances.  Examples of how to increase prices … Read more..

Tender Library

A file containing skeleton responses is extremely useful to have when similar questions appear in multiple bid documents. Try to ensure that the text has been written for simple, basic questions.  It can then be adapted for each individual situation and project. If you keep answers to complex questions on file, you risk submitting irrelevant … Read more..

Staff CVs

Clients are keen to know who will be delivering their work as well as each person’s qualifications and experience. Do not forget to describe how your staff work together and what value the overall team will bring to the project. It is rare for individual CVs to capture this so you will need to describe … Read more..